

Wii, Xbox, PS3 Controller Sugar Cookies

Time for a different kind of nerdy cookies, the gamer sort.

These cookies were suggested to me by my brother-in-law, who is an avid gamer. I admit to being a bit of a... well I'll just use a venn diagram to explain:

Make sense?

I actually have all these consoles in my house (and several older systems). I figure owning them all is socially acceptable since I am still my 20s (just barely). Though I won't pretend that I am in any way a skilled gamer. For example, I'm that person in Halo who gets confused by the controls and just spins around while other people walk up and throw grenades at them. Yea, I'm that person. Since having a child, my gaming has been limited to doing yoga on my Wii Fit.

So the cookies, this was my first attempt at making controller cookies. Usually I don't post the practice-cookies on the blog but these were neat enough that I'll go ahead and post pics. Usually when trying out a new cookie I do a couple test batches, work out all the kinks and settle on a design. With these, there was so many steps with long drying periods between each that I wasn't feeling up to starting another batch last night.

For now, the beta-cookies will have to do. So here we go: PS3, Xbox and Wii controllers (click for a larger version).

They need more careful icing next time, so they look more polished. I usually ice my practice cookies rather quickly, so next time I attempt these they'll have a more refined look. I do like the texture of the thumb pads on the PS3 controller. Though I won't do that next time on the Xbox D pads, since they are smooth. I also think I may apply a little silver luster dust to the metalic X box logo next time.

To make these, I used my normal sugar cookie and icing recipes (linked here).

To tint my icing I used the following Americolor gels:
Super Black
Leaf Green
Navy Blue
Super Red
Bright White
Egg Yellow

I also used a little dark gray sanding sugar.

To make the cookies I free hand cut out the shapes, then baked them and allowed them to completely cool. I then outlined each and flooded them with the controller appropriate colored icing. I allowed the flooding to dry for several hours and then pipped on buttons, sprinkling the D pads with gray sugar. After all that had set, I piped on the remaining details.

I also want to make a classic NES controller next time, just because I am feeling nostalgic for those childhood thumb calluses.

(edit: Yes, I know they are not called 'Wii controllers', that they are in fact 'Wii remotes' or 'Wiimotes'. I hope that I didn't incite painful levels of nerd-rage in any sensitive gamer types by incorrectly, and so cavalierly, referring to them as wii controllers.)

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