

Peppermint Marshmallows

Homemade marshmallows, so perfectly light and springy. They just melt in your mouth.

I have yet to find a store bought marshmallow that can beat homemade. Not even the absurdly priced marshmallows from Williams Sonoma ($16!) that Mother Humble left behind can quite equal them. Granted, those Williams Sonoma marshmallows are really good, but these are better.

Continuing my Chocolate-Peppermint theme, I've decided to make some hot cocoa tonight with homemade peppermint marshmallows. In just a minute these light and fluffy pillows turn an ordinary cup of hot cup of cocoa into a creamy, peppermint infused mug of the warm and fuzzies.

Not so Humble Peppermint Marshmallows:
Adapted from

2 cups granulated sugar
1 tablespoon light corn syrup
1 oz unflavored gelatin (four packages)
2-3 drops peppermint oil
2 large egg whites
rice flour

Coat a 9x13 metal pan with nonstick spray. Place a piece of parchment into the bottom of the pan and coat it with nonstick spray as well. Separate your eggs and place the whites into your stand mixer or mixing bowl and set aside.

In a large heavy bottomed saucepan (the bigger the better) heat 3/4 cup of water, sugar and corn syrup over medium heat. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Once the mixture boils attach your candy thermometer and turn up the heat to almost medium high. Bring the mixture to 260°F without stirring, this should take roughly 7-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a small saucepan bring two cups of water to a boil. Using a heat-safe bowl, add 3/4 cup cold water and sprinkle the gelatin on top. Allow the gelatin to bloom for about five minutes then move the bowl to the pot of simmering water. Set the bowl into the simmering water and whisk until gelatin has totally dissolved. Mix in the drops of peppermint oil and set aside. Now would also be the time to beat the egg whites to stiff but not dry peaks.

Once the sugar hits 260°F take it off the heat and slowly, while whisking, add the gelatin to the pot of sugar. It will bubble up. A lot. This is where you'll be happy you chose a pot with high sides. Take this mixture over to your egg whites and while beating slowly add it to your bowl. Beat the mixture on medium high speed for about 7-8 minutes until it has nearly tripled in volume and quickly move the mixture to your greased pan.

Working quickly, spread the marshmallow evenly into the pan and allow to cool for several hours.

Once cool cut around the outside of the pan and turn out onto a greased piece of parchment. It should pop right out. Using a long thin knife (or if you want really nice clean cuts, use a guitar string) and cut into pieces. Toss the pieces in a bowl of rice flour to remove any stickiness.

These are also yummy dipped in chocolate, rolled in crushed candy canes and then tossed into a hot cup of coffee or espresso. Mmmmm... peppermint mocha.

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