

Fudge Part I: White Chocolate Eggnog Fudge

It has gotten chilly in Seattle! Which of course means it is time for hot cocoa, homemade marshmallows, soups, new tires on my car and lots n' lots of fudge making.

I wasn't sure where I would start my holiday fudge making marathon, but I knew I had to try my hand at eggnog fudge this year. This is my first time making eggnog fudge and I absolutely love the flavor. I am a sucker for nutmeg, what can I say. The texture is very smooth and a just smidgen softer than I am used to with fudge, but perhaps that is just because it just needs to sit a little longer to fully set. I fully admit that once It was set enough to cut, I dug in, so maybe I just need to be a little more patient. Regardless, this stuff is delicious.

To finish my fudge I cut it into squares and individually wrapped each in a small piece of waxed paper. They are cute, tidy little packages now, perfect for giving away... not that I am going to do that. These are all mine.

(Edit: I've since cooled the squares completely in my fridge and the texture is now perfect)

White Chocolate Eggnog Fudge:
Adapted from recipezaar
yields roughly 64 pieces

2 cups granulated sugar
1 stick unsalted butter
3/4 cup fresh eggnog
11 ounces chopped white chocolate
1/2 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
7 ounce jar marshmallow creme
1 teaspoon rum extract

nutmeg for sprinkling

Line a 9x9 inch pan with buttered foil.

Combine sugar, butter and eggnog into a heavy bottomed sauce pan--I almost always use nonstick for my candy making--and bring to a boil over medium heat. Once boiling, attach a candy thermometer and reduce the heat to a hair above medium low and cook for 10-15 minutes until your thermometer reads 234°F , stirring constantly.

Once your mixture hits the appropriate temperature, remove from heat and add chocolate stirring vigorously until chocolate is melted and smooth. Add the marshmallow creme, nutmeg and rum extract and mix until well blended.

Pour the mixture into your pan and sprinkle with more fresh ground nutmeg. Allow to cool on a wire rack until room temperature. Cut, wrap, and you're good to go.

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