

I need a vacation from my vacation!

Hello all! I've just arrived back from my trip to Eastern Washington. I didn't get much blogging done over there due to a forgotten camera cable and let's face it, food blogging without photos is a little dull.

While there was plenty of cooking this past week, I quickly remembered the difficulty of transcribing the off-the-cuff chaos that is Mother Humble's cooking. Still, I may take a stab at her cheese souffle...

Anyway, the reason I'm posting this is just to let folks know I'm still alive and well.

I'm aware it is rather unlike me to allow a week to pass without a post but I've been quite busy with family, travel, and non-blog related work. I've decided I'm going to take a few days to get things in order and wrap up a few projects before I start popping goodies into the oven again.

Have a happy holiday weekend (to those in the U.S.) and I'll see everyone next week!

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