

Gingerbread Scientists Amuse Me

I have recently discovered the tedious fun of icing cookies. Particularly quirky, odd-ball cookies. In this case, cookies that poke a little fun at my husband's job (this being microbiology). I have outfitted gingerbread men in royal icing lab coats. The result wasn't too shabby for my first attempt. I might try again with a smaller gingerbread cutter (these were huge) and go with a smaller piping tip for crisper detail work.

I'll have to think of some other biology-themed cookies soon, as I've had so much fun with these. I've already done cookie 'petri dishes' (apparently my streaking technique is not quite on par with an actual biologist) sprinkled with white nonpareil 'bacteria'.

If I ever find a cookie cutter shaped like E. coli or salmonella, you can be sure I'll be warming up the stand mixer.

These cookies have a PhD in delicious.

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