

Blackberry Brown Sugar Mascarpone Ice Cream

Happy Monday everyone!

I do hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Mine didn't go exactly to plan. You see, I caught Mr. Humble's virus. The one I had avoided catching all week (was feeling quite immunologically superior), and then of course it finally hit me. Apparently the virus was just waiting for the weekend so it could take me down when I need to be my most productive.

Go figure.

I had planned to do the Croissants Part Two today but my 4th batch of laminated dough is still chilling, waiting to be cut, proofed and baked. I didn't get any of my projects completed this weekend so I will be playing catch up this week. Don't worry though, I'm not without plenty of food to post. You can still get your vicarious Not So Humble Pie sugar rush even if I am out sick.

Today's treat: Blackberry Brown Sugar Mascarpone Ice Cream

Of the five flavors I produced this week, this one is probably my favorite. I'll be nursing myself back to health with several bowls today. Actually, in all honesty I will probably end up helping myself to several of the flavors.

I can't help it! My freezer is stocked with half a dozen of these cute containers filled with brightly colored ice creams. If I wasn't ill I would be making caramel and chocolate sauce and creating a little at home Not So Humble Ice Cream parlor. Oh yes.

Not So Humble Blackberry Brown Sugar Mascarpone Ice Cream
yields roughly 1.3 quarts
1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen blackberries
1/4 cup golden brown sugar (or light brown)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 3/4 cups heavy cream (I'm using 40% minimum milk fat)
1 cup milk
1/2 cup mascarpone cheese
1 large egg*
splash of lemon juice

In your food processor, combine the blackberries and the brown sugar and mix until well blended. You can then sieve the mixture for a smoother ice cream. I just left it be because sometimes I don't mind a few blackberry seeds.

Then add the remaining ingredients to the food processor and blend for roughly 15-20 seconds.

Chill the mixture for 30-60 minutes (if you're using cold ingredients and frozen blackberries, go ahead and just skip this step) and then prepare in your ice cream maker according to the manufacture's instructions.

Pour into a container and chill for at least an hour, until firm.

* this recipe contains a raw egg. While generally I'm not concerned about eating raw unpasteurized eggs in a small quantity, I won't recommend serving raw eggs to young children, the elderly and those who are immunocompromised. So, feel free to use pasteurized eggs to eliminate the risk of foodborne illness.

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