

Bitter Sweets

Valentine's Day is coming up! Which means I'll be spending the next few weeks absorbing advertisements that imply my husband doesn't love me if I'm not surprised with over the top flowers, diamonds or a shiny new Lexus.

All us girls know how fun that is!

Of course this also has my husband as nervous as a schizophrenic parakeet on the fourth of July.

He can't win and he knows it.

It's really okay though, since I tend to be unfazed by those traditional displays of affection. I like quirky, I like different... I like bitter conversation heart cookies.

Nothing speaks to my sick sense of humor like a Valentine's day cookie that says "Die in a fire"

Am I weird?


Of course, if I got a box of bitter conversation heart cookies in a new Lexus, well that would be even better.

So, to make these bitter sweets, I took my usual sugar cookie recipe and decorated them with royal icing sayings like: Pre-nup, Daddy issues, Angst, You're No Edward, Don't Call, Table 4 One, Die in a fire, Wanker, Bite Me, Move On and so on...

Good luck keeping your hands steady while laughing.

Disclaimer: Ms. Humble is not responsible for any time spent sleeping on the couch due to poor reaction to Bitter Sweet cookies from your significant other.

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