

Those Rapturous & Mysterious Green Pies

I've realized that if I am ever going to post all of the NSHP contest pies during this trip, I need to speed things up just bit. I'm going to start posting two pies a morning, and possibly a second post in the evening as my trip allows.

This mornings I have paired up two of the healthier pie submissions, unique for their use of avocados.

The first of our avocado spiked desserts is a cheesecake submitted by Laura, proprietress of the blog Loverly. The second pie, submitted by Rachel (a fellow Washington State blogger) of My Munchable Musings, is a unique addition to Not So Humble Pie, for being both raw and vegan.

Avocados are one of those foods that people can be absolutely fanatical about. I've met several folks who've told me if they had to survive off one food for the rest of their life while castaway on a remote island, it would be an avocado.

What sort of food would I wish to subsist solely off as a cast away? Well, it probably wouldn't be an avocado (sorry, buddy). Channa batura though... oh yes, I could spend the rest of my days eating fried bread and spicy chick peas. Though, on a diet of just that, I probably wouldn't be long for this world. Maybe I should reconsider not choosing the avocados...

So I'm off to Canary Wharf this afternoon. Going to meet Mother Humble and then head to her office in central London to be exhibited before her co-workers and employees. Luckily for me, smocked dresses, rag curls and a mommy-spit polished face are no longer a prerequisite for such meetings. I get a free lunch out of the deal, so naturally I'm game.

Since I'm going to be in the area of a Paul Patisserie shop, I hope to pop in there some macarons and other yummy eats.

Let's get to the pies!

Loverly: The Case Of The Mysterious Green Pie

The avocado lends this pie a gorgeous color

I called this recipe, "The case of the mysterious green pie." Why? Well, here is the full story:

It all started when I saw this recipe on the Food Network website for Avocado Pie. The recipe looked interesting and I love avocados, so I decided to give it a try. So, I gathered all of my ingredients and began my adventure into the realm of the mysterious-looking green pie.

I started by making the crust. So far, the beginning of a perfectly normal cheesecake. But then, things got weirder.

I made the filling and the green goo reminded me of some kind of Dr. Suess creation or some green slime out of a horror movie.

Also, to my horror, I didn't have a hand mixer, so mixing everything by hand was tough and I couldn't quite make the filling smooth and bump-free.

Then, I let the pie chill in the fridge. I decided to bring the pie over to a friend's house that weekend. We were helping them move into a new apartment, so I thought I would bring a housewarming treat. But then, after a day in the fridge, the avocado started to brown and my green pie turned into a green/brown pie.

After a few hours of moving furniture, we decided to dig into the pie. I tasted a slice and I was actually really surprised. The pie tasted like a regular cheesecake, but with a hint of avocado, which really added an interesting taste. For such an unappetizing looking pie, I quite enjoyed the taste.

So, I didn't really know what to expect when I saw the recipe and when I made it, I never expected the weird, green goo to taste good. Overall, an interesting and experimental cooking experience. Here's what my friend had to say about the pie:

"Oh man Laura, while I have to thank you for the cake because I have enjoyed it, there really only is so much avocado cake one person can eat in a week. I`ve never consumed this much avocado before in a whole year, let alone 7 days."

I am now probably known as the girl who makes weird, green pies.

The Case Of The Mysterious Green Pie
adapted from The Food Network

5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 1/2 cups digestive biscuit crumbs (or graham crackers)
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
Pinch of salt

2 medium hass avocados
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, at room temperature
1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk
2 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Pinch of salt

Whipped cream or confectioners' sugar, for garnish (optional)

Make the crust: Preheat the oven to 350°F. Brush an 8-inch springform pan with some of the melted butter. Mix the remaining butter with the graham cracker crumbs, sugar and salt in a bowl. Press the mixture into the bottom and up the sides of the prepared pan. Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes. Cool completely on a rack.

Make the filling: Halve and pit the avocados, then scoop out the flesh and chop. Transfer to a bowl, add the cream cheese and beat with a mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add the condensed milk, lime and lemon juices, and the salt and beat until fluffy, scraping the bowl as needed. Pour the filling into the crust, press a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface and chill at least 4 hours.

Remove the springform ring and slice the pie. Garnish with whipped cream or confectioners' sugar, if desired, and serve immediately (the top will start to brown as the pie sits).

My Munchable Musings: I Am Rapture...

While I often prepare vegan and vegetarian meals for the family, I've always been intimidated by vegan dessert baking. This dessert however, looks simple and fantastic.

Oh, it is rapturous scooping out the innards of a ripe avocado. But, why are you talking about avocados, Ms. “Eat Local and Seasonal”? Well, when Ms. Humble posted a pie contest on her blog I couldn’t resist the temptation to make a Not-So-Humble-Pie. It presented an opportunity to try my hand at a raw goodie. While I had toyed with the idea taking on the raw diet wholeheartedly, I just love cooked foods too much (I also don’t like how eating raw often requires tropical ingredients like coconut). But, I am going to take a quick break and step down off of my high vegan sustainable pedestal, and embrace the luscious coconut, Brazil nuts, and dates in the following recipe.

Strawberry Lemonade Pie
Also Known As: I Am Awakening in Lovely Rapture
from My Munchable Musings

1 1/4 cups Brazil nuts
1 1/4 cups almonds, soaked for 30 minutes and skinned
1/2 cup finely chopped dates
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt

Juice and zest of one lemon
1 large avocado
1/2 cup agave nectar
1/2 teaspoon lemon extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup raw unscented coconut butter

Strawberry Layer
3 cups finely sliced strawberries
1 tablespoons agave nectar
1 teaspoons lemon juice

Food process crust ingredients except dates until crumbly. Add dates in bits until the crust sticks together. Press into oiled pie pan.

Layer half of the strawberries in the crust.

Blend all filling ingredients except coconut butter until smooth. Add omitted ingredients until everything comes together. Pour into the pie shell.

Use the rest of the strawberries on the top of the pie.

So, what do you think? Rough life those raw dieters have ... eating all that coconut and avocado?

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