

Pistachio butter cookies and goodbye 2012

To end 2012 and also to start 2013 in a delicious way, I give you these cookies: insanely easy to make and super tasty, they were a hit with the coworkers - every time I ran into someone walking down the corridors they would say "OMG, those pistachio cookies were amazing!", and I have to thank Martha for that. Her recipes are always fantastic, that is why I can't wait to get the new cookbook
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Dulce de leche apple pies

When it comes to fruit desserts I need no convincing: I'll choose them over chocolate ones any day. Therefore, I got really curious when I saw the recipe for these pies: apple and dulce de leche together? Would that work? I don't think apple pies need any embellishment, but the idea of adding ddl intrigued me too much and I had to try it - what can I say? Delicious Australia was right again,
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Cheese and oregano sablés

Of all the baking I've been doing lately these savory sablés were a great surprise: they are delicious - especially still warm from the oven - and perfect to be served with drinks before dinner; I can assure you they're wonderful with cold beer, prosecco and champagne, and if you try them with something else I would love to know. :)

Cheese and oregano sablés
slightly adapted from the fabulous
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This year's Christmas series has come to an end and for that I chose a delicious and very easy recipe, that comes from a book I adore. These cookies are wonderful, super tasty and quick to prepare, and I think they would make a great last minute Christmas gift.

I hope you've enjoyed the holiday recipes I've posted and I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

from the amazing beyond
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Cinnamon and cherry biscotti

The Christmas biscotti I made last year were so delicious I decided that this year I needed Christmas biscotti again, but to change things up a bit I used one of Donna Hay's wonderful recipes, mixing cinnamon and dried cherries. You might think that when it comes to biscotti I'm biased (and you're right), so I'll let two very talented ladies convince you that biscotti is a delicious treat - and
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Nougat flavored financiers

I might have been oh, so brave facing the heat and making pastry anyway but that, folks, was pretty much it: when it came to making nougat I gave up. :S However, that doesn’t mean I can’t have a nougat flavored baked good, right? When I looked at the egg whites left from making the eggnog frosting I instantly thought of financiers, and the candied orange zest left from the panforte inspired me
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Gingerbread marshmallows

I’ve been baking lots of cookies lately – these books have been at my kitchen counter all the time – but I wanted something else for the people at work, something that to them would sound unusual. Marshmallows were the perfect choice: upon delivering some of the small plastic bags filled with the candy some of my coworkers were really intrigued by the idea of homemade marshmallows, and “did you
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Mulled wine jelly and a giveaway

Christmas is coming and I have a gift for you, my dear readers: Zinio has given me 5 free magazine subscriptions to share with you! If you’re not familiar with Zinio, take a look at their website and you’ll see that there are hundreds of wonderful digital magazines for you to choose, including my favorites Donna Hay and Delicious Australia.

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this
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Gingerbread linzer tartlets

So I decided to grab the hot weather by the horns and make Christmas tartlets anyway, but with my dried fruit stash reduced to a sad handful I dropped the fruit mince tarts idea and went for something else: the beautiful gingerbread linzertorte I’d seen on Martha’s website, which was the perfect choice since I had a couple of jars of jam in my pantry. The good thing is: I made the recipe into
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Fruit mince muffins with eggnog icing

Eggnog is not part of Brazilian Christmas celebrations but everything I’ve made so far flavored as the drink turned out delicious, the sablé rounds and Flo Braker’s cake being my favorites –therefore, I bookmarked Rachel Allen’s muffins the minute I saw them on the book. This fantastic recipe is a keeper, not only because the delicious muffins match eggnog and fruit mince, flavors I love, but
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Alsatian Christmas cookies

One of my favorite expressions in the English language is “a hidden gem” – I find if perfect to describe certain things. To me, “Killing Them Softly”, an excellent movie no one I know has watched, is a hidden gem, with its great script, powerful performances – especially Ben Mendelsohn’s, whom I’d already loved in the fantastic “Animal Kingdom” – and equally powerful directing. Another hidden
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Pain d’épice

Being in a Christmas food mind set, I knew I had to make a gingerbread cake, not only because it's traditional but also because it's delicious. However, I remembered that once, a long time ago, my friend Ana told me that Suzanne Goin's pain d'épice was super tasty, and boy, was she right: this turned out so good I had three slices at once, and I'm not even ashamed to say it. :D

Pain d’épice
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White chocolate, honey and almond panforte

Back in my college days, I had a classmate that was ten years older than me (I was 16 then) and we used to disagree about music preferences: she loved Brazilian music while I preferred American and British rock bands. She used to tell me that when I got older I would begin enjoying the kind of music she did back then. Well, eighteen years have passed and nothing has changed: I still don’t
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These delicious and beautiful cookies should have been included in last year’s holiday series – at least that was my idea – but here they are, a year later.
My birthday is in November and Martha’s book was a gift from a very dear friend – after receiving it I immediately started looking for cookies with a Christmassy feel and the lebkuchen seemed perfect. However, I somehow kept forgetting to
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Fruit mince brownies

The fruit mince tarts I made a couple of years ago were delicious and such a hit with the family that I intend to make them again this year; however, rolling out pastry is not the best idea for the oh, so hot days we’ve been having here lately – I know how much I suffered to make the snowy tree cookies, having to refrigerate the dough countless times. While I wait for a bit cooler days –
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Snowy trees

I find decorated cookies very beautiful, but I confess I don’t have the skills or the patience to make them: I can’t pipe to save my own life and because of that I believe that it would take me hours to finish making one single cookie. :S That is why I loved this recipe found in one of my old issues of DH magazine: the cookies look adorable, taste great and one doesn’t have to be very dexterous
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